Doom emacs shortcuts

Emacs shortcut cheatsheet

Emacs basics

Moving arround:             Back       Forth
  move by char              C-b        C-f
  move by word              M-b        M-f              
  move by line              C-p        C-n
  move by sentence          M-a        M-e
  goto end of line          C-a        C-e
  top or bottom of buffer   M-<        M->
  center screen here        C-l
  move by half screen       M-r
Deleting and editing        Back       Forth  
  delete word               M-del      C-d
  delete rest of line       M-0 C-k    C-k
  swith with above line     C-x C-t
  cua-mode                  C-c C-v C-x C-z
  cua rectangular start     C-RET and arrow keys

Getting Help:
  help on key structure     C-h k
  help on bindings          C-h b b
  doom emacs help           C-h d
  find file C-x C-f
  save file C-x C-s

  forword                   C-s
  backword                  C-r
  forword expression        C-M-s
  exit searching            Enter
  abort searching           C-g
Abort and Exiting Emacs:
  abort actions             C-g
  exit emacs                C-x C-c 


close window                C-x 0
close other window          C-x 1
split window Horirental     C-x 2
split window Vertical       C-x 3
narrower window             C-x { 
wider window 25 times       C-u 25 C-x {

Files & buffers & projects

open project                C-c p p 
open current opened files   C-c f r
find file                   C-c f f
Kill buffer                 C-x k


dired open                  C-c f d  
jump dired from this buffer C-c o- #C-x C-j
open dired to project root  C-c p D

goto next line              SPC
up to parent dictionary     ^
goto previous file line     <
goto next file line         >
goto describled file line   j
open item in other window   o
toggle brief & full view    (
create dir in Dired         +
Copy files to destination   C
Rename or move file/dir     R
Delete file/dir             D

insert this subdictionary   i

Dired shortcuts


avy goto char in line       M-g f
avy goto char               M-g c
avy goto line(compatible)   M-g g
avy goto word-1             M-g w
avy goto word-0             M-g e

Markdown or org-mode

  previous outline          C-c C-p 
  next outline              C-c C-n 
  out line up               C-c C-u 
  outline back same level   C-c C-b
  foreword block            M-}
  backword block            M-{
  forward paragraph         C-<down>   M-n 
  backward paragraph        C-<up>     M-p
  top or bottom of buffer   C-x [      C-x ]
  cycle global heading      S-TAB

Doom Emacs key bindings

  reload last session       C-c w L 
  open org-agenda           C-c n a 
  recent opened files       C-c f r 
  open project              C-c p p 
  jump to bookmark          C-c s m 
  open private config       C-c f p  


  find file with completion C-c p f 
  open dired in root        C-c f D
  lockup functions document C-c c k 
  lookup defination         C-c c d 


Enter /exit CUA rectangular  C-RET
Eshell: toggle popup window  C-c o e
Youdao: youdao input         C-c o y
Quick-Calc                   C-x * q


  1. .doom.d目录下初始有三个配置文件
    • init.el
    • packages.el
    • config.el
  2. use cua-mode

Common packages

  1. check, spell check
    • flyspell
    • flycheck rust?
  2. eshell
  3. youdao
# note add below to config.el

(setq kill-whole-line t)

(setq confirm-kill-emacs nil)

(setq ispell-program-name "aspell")

(cua-mode t)

(map! "M-p" #'backward-paragraph
      "M-n" #'forward-paragraph
      "C-M-p" #'cua-scroll-down
      "C-M-n" #'cua-scroll-up
      "C-c o y" #'youdao-dictionary-search-from-input
      "M-g c" #'avy-goto-char
      "M-g s" #'avy-goto-char-2
      "M-g f" #'avy-goto-char-in-line
      "M-g g" #'avy-goto-line
      "M-g w" #'avy-goto-word-1
      "M-g e" #'avy-goto-word-0

(map! :map markdown-mode-map
        "M-n" #'markdown-forward-paragraph
        "M-p" #'markdown-backward-paragraph
        "C-M-p" #'cua-scroll-down
        "C-M-n" #'cua-scroll-up)