
Rails Basic Commands

  • rails new depot
  • rake db:migrate
  • rails g scaffold Product title:string des:text imageurl:string price:decimal
  • rails g scaffold cart
  • rails g scaffold line_item product_id:integer cartid:integer
  • rails g scaffold order name:string address:text email:string paytype:string
  • rails g controller store index
  • rails g migration combine_items_in_cart
  • rails g migration add_order_id_to_lineitem order_id:integer
  • rails g migration add_order_id_and_other_to_lineitem order_id:inter other:string
  • rails server
  • rake db:seed / db:migrate / db:rollback
  • rake test:units / test:functionals

rails sqlite3

sqlite3 -line db/development.sqlite3
select * from orders;
select * from lineitems;

rails tips

  • add colume to table(delete old migrate,delete db,g scaffold)
  • rails console
      >rails console
      >> User.create(:name => 'dave', :password => 'secret',
    :password_confirmation => 'secret')
      >> User.count
  • rake db:setup RAILS_ENV=production
  • rails server -e production or: RAILS_ENV=production rails server
  • /bin/bash –login

postgres with rails

postgres 用户命令

  • sudo su - postgres //进入命令

  • psql -U dbuser -d exampledb -h -p 5432


  • dropuser -i -e dbuser
  • dropdb -i -e exampledb

psql commands(注意命令后的;\q 可在任何状态下退出)

  • postgre=# CREATE USER dbuser With Password ‘password’;
  • postgre=# Create database exampledb owner dbuser;
  • postgre=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE exampledb to dbuser;
  • postgre=# \q
  • postgre=# \l list all databases
  • postgre=# \td
  • postgre=# \du list all users


  • Don’t forget host: localhost. //
  • create role myapp with createdb login password ‘password1’
  • Pipeline issue: in stylesheets references just reference application.css



note: Don’t forget host: localhost. //database.yml

local postgres setup

  • config.consider_all_requests_local = true
  • rake db:setup RAILS_ENV=production
  • rake assets:precompile
  • rails server -e production //or: RAILS_ENV=production rails server

rails API (postman)


ES6 tutorials

ES6 tutorials

ignite official




npm start tron